Anglesey – Sunday 28th July

Text and photos by Joanna Scott On Sunday 28th July, a group of NHDC divers met in the car park at Trearddur Bay before 8am! Kitting up was done at a leisurely pace and the gear only had to be carried to the road where the rhib is parked. The beach is only a minute...

Five Reasons to become an Advanced Open Water Diver?

Photos by Tony Gilbert.   You have become a PADI Open Water Diver, what is your next step? If you decide to get a few dives under your weight belt or to take your Advanced Open Water Diver Course, we are here to help. Here are our top five reasons to become a...
10 Reasons Why You Should Become a Scuba Diver

10 Reasons Why You Should Become a Scuba Diver

If you have ever wondered why people learn to Scuba Dive, here is our top 10 reasons to become a Scuba Diver. Why you should become a Scuba Diver – Exploration Our oceans are filled with colourful fish, majestic mammals and unique creatures. Only scuba diving allows...
Molnar Janos-barlang

Molnar Janos-barlang

Written by Nick Clifford – NHDC Divemaster Molnar Janos-barlang – Intro In January I went on a cave diving trip in Hungary, diving in the thermal springs of Budapest, Molnar Janos-barlang. The last day of diving was the most technically demanding dive I...
Sidemount diving

Sidemount diving

By Nick Clifford My experience with sidemount diving started in 2017, during my TDI full cave training. I had been doing the introductory cave diver training on a twinset which was back mounted. I had no intention of going into sidemount. Being comfortable diving with...