About NHDC
Welcome to NHDC (New Horizons Dive centre), thank you for taking the time to read through our website. If you have any queries or would like more information, please do not hesitate to drop us an email, phone us or pop into the shop, have a brew and a chat (we prefer this last one).
NHDC is a well-established PADI dive centre at the beating heart of Cheshire. We offer a range of courses, retail, travel, and services to the ever-growing diving community. Whether you are looking to learn to dive, keep diving, become a PADI professional or take first aider training, we are here.
NHDC Courses
Our PADI courses are unlike any you will find anywhere else. We believe in catering to each individual’s needs, we all learn differently, at different speeds and in different ways. Our teaching style is positive coaching. We reinforce what you are doing well, focus on the good and break everything down into manageable steps. We will never ask you to do something in open water that you have not completed in the pool before. Our Dive Team has had specialist training to master adaptive teaching and we run regular training sessions with the team to stay up to date.
NHDC is in Stockport, Cheshire. We have a large shop full of diving equipment for sale. The shop is stocked with equipment that our Dive Team uses on a regular basis. If you pop into our shop you will receive a warm welcome. We will help with making sure the equipment you like is comfortable and fits. We offer a range of after sales follow-ups and advice. For example, if you buy a regulator with us we will offer to add you to an auto reminder for your regulator’s first service.
NHDC Dive Travel
NHDC love to Scuba Dive. We run multiple trips every year. Whether you are looking for a UK Day Trips, a weekend getaway or overseas dive travel, we have it covered. Our active Dive Society loves to meet up on a monthly basis, in a pub, to talk diving and hear interesting presentations.
NHDC Servicing
We offer a full range of servicing for all your Scuba Diving equipment or air gun cylinders. You will be added to our automatic emails reminders for your next service. We want to make sure your Scuba Diving equipment always work at its best and you never have to miss a dive.
NHDC Equipment Rental
We have a full range of equipment available to rent. If you only need a few pieces or the full kit, you can rent your equipment from us. All our equipment is serviced regularly by manufacturer approved technicians. Equipment rental is available, with special discounts to Dive Society members.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or require further information, please telephone on 0161 223 5102 or call in to the dive centre.